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 Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine V 2.0


New fold library entries added 2020 Feb 29

Fold library idPDB HeaderMoleculeTitle
c6vd2B_ 1.97 transferase Chain: B: s-adenosylmethionine synthase 2;
c6o1wB_ 2.20 translocase Chain: B: dna translocase coupling protein;
c6scdA_ 1.35 hydrolase Chain: A: polyester hydrolase;
c6tugF_ 2.42 rna binding protein Chain: F: crispr system endoribonuclease csm6;
c6lntF_ 8.00 virus Chain: F: pre-membrane protein;
c6um2A_ 4.32 sugar binding protein Chain: A: cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor;
c6vvoC_ 3.40 dna binding protein, replication Chain: C: replication factor c subunit 5;
c6vd7A_ 3.02 transport protein Chain: A: pannexin;
c6oh1A_ UNK hydrolase Chain: A: immunoglobulin a1 protease;
c6vsbB_ 3.46 viral protein Chain: B: spike glycoprotein;
c6li1A_ 2.90 membrane protein Chain: A: chimera of g-protein coupled receptor 52 and flavodoxin;
c6um1A_ 3.46 sugar binding protein Chain: A: cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor;
c6jitB_ 2.05 oxidoreductase Chain: B: 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase nad-binding protein;
c6vtjA_ 1.95 oxidoreductase Chain: A: non-ribosomal peptide synthetase;
c6t2bB_ 2.13 hydrolase Chain: B: glycosyl hydrolase family 109 protein 2;
c6m8tA_ 1.67 lyase Chain: A: flavin prenyltransferase ubix;
c6lntN_ 8.00 virus Chain: N: capsid protein;
c6li2A_ 2.80 membrane protein Chain: A: chimera of g-protein coupled receptor 52 and rubredoxin;
c6vsbA_ 3.46 viral protein Chain: A: spike glycoprotein;
c6lnwB_ 2.90 transport protein Chain: B: accessory secretory protein asp2;
c6vvoD_ 3.40 dna binding protein, replication Chain: D: replication factor c subunit 4;
c6uvzB_ 2.90 hydrolase Chain: B: amidohydrolase 2;
c6lj9A_ 2.31 hydrolase Chain: A: cysteine protease s273r;
c6m8vA_ 2.22 lyase Chain: A: flavin prenyltransferase ubix;
c6omiB_ 2.64 hydrolase Chain: B: mavl;
c6vvoE_ 3.40 dna binding protein, replication Chain: E: replication factor c subunit 3;
c6ji7A_ UNK plant protein Chain: A: coffeetide;
c6lnwA_ 2.90 transport protein Chain: A: accessory secretory protein asp1;
c6lnwC_ 2.90 transport protein Chain: C: accessory secretory protein asp3;
c6sjxA_ UNK metal binding protein Chain: A: iron-regulated protein frpc;
c6s8zA_ 2.20 translation Chain: A: elongation factor p;
c6td7A_ 1.75 oxygen binding Chain: A: thb11;
c6vtvA_ 2.06 hydrolase Chain: A: gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase puud;
c6vjaD_ 3.30 immune system Chain: D: b-lymphocyte antigen cd20;
c6uckA_ UNK hormone Chain: A: islet amyloid polypeptide;
c6lw3B_ 2.38 dna binding protein Chain: B: crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease ruvc;
c6ommR_ 3.17 signaling protein Chain: R: n-formyl peptide receptor 2;
c6vvoB_ 3.40 dna binding protein, replication Chain: B: replication factor c subunit 2;
c6o17A_ 1.58 hormone Chain: A: insulin chain a;
c6vtiA_ UNK nuclear protein Chain: A: serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit
c6vvoA_ 3.40 dna binding protein, replication Chain: A: replication factor c subunit 1;
c6vmtA_ 2.50 dna binding protein Chain: A: programmed cell death protein 5 homolog;

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Please cite: The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis
Kelley LA et al. Nature Protocols 10, 845-858 (2015) [paper] [Citation link]
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Michael Sternberg 
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