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 Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine V 2.0


New fold library entries added 2019 May 25

Fold library idPDB HeaderMoleculeTitle
c6o58C_ 3.80 transport protein Chain: C: calcium uniporter protein, mitochondrial;
c6i3mG_ 3.93 translation Chain: G: translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit epsilon;
c6h9dB_ 1.90 hydrolase Chain: B: lysozyme;
c6o7gB_ UNK transcription Chain: B: histone-lysine n-methyltransferase 2d;
c6q8iL_ 3.17 splicing Chain: L: protein red;
c6q5pE_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: E: cc-hex*-ii;
c6i7tB_ 4.61 translation Chain: B: translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit alpha;
c6q8jA_ 1.80 splicing Chain: A: wd40 repeat-containing protein smu1;
c6q5lB_ 1.41 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24h;
c6niiA_ 2.15 hydrolase Chain: A: uncharacterized protein ravd;
c6i3mF_ 3.93 translation Chain: F: translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit beta;
c6eb0A_ 2.37 oxidoreductase Chain: A: 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase, oxygenase subunit;
c6e9oA_ 3.50 membrane protein Chain: A: d-galactonate transport;
c5zy5B_ 2.30 transferase Chain: B: probable catechol o-methyltransferase 1;
c6e0cA_ 2.63 nuclear protein Chain: A: histone h3-like centromeric protein a;
c6q5nK_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: K: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6gwkX_ 2.15 rna binding protein Chain: X:
c6nk6B_ 4.06 virus like particle/signaling protein Chain: B: e1 glycoprotein;
c6q5nI_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: I: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6q5iA_ 1.76 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6ogyK_ 3.40 viral protein/transferase/rna Chain: K: inner capsid protein vp2;
c6q5rG_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: G: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6o58H_ 3.80 transport protein Chain: H: essential mcu regulator, mitochondrial;
c6k1dB_ 3.00 hydrolase Chain: B: exonuclease 3'-5' domain-containing protein 2;
c6jyvA_ 1.65 metal binding protein Chain: A: probable iron/ascorbate oxidoreductase;
c5zwyB_ 1.95 transferase Chain: B: ribokinase;
c6q5nJ_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: J: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6fxsA_ 2.01 isomerase Chain: A: ribose 5-phosphate isomerase, putative;
c6q5rF_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: F: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5nA_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6nyyA_ 3.00 translocase Chain: A: afg3-like protein 2;
c6o4mB_ 1.27 toxin Chain: B: melittin;
c6nk6G_ 4.06 virus like particle/signaling protein Chain: G: e2 glycoprotein;
c6q5oA_ 1.00 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-ll;
c6o58P_ 3.80 transport protein Chain: P: essential mcu regulator, mitochondrial;
c6q8iK_ 3.17 splicing Chain: K: protein red;
c6o4mA_ 1.27 toxin Chain: A: melittin;
c6q5jA_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6q5sB_ 1.89 de novo protein Chain: B: apcc-tet;
c6q5rI_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: I: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5rB_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5pC_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: C: cc-hex*-ii;
c6q5pF_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: F: cc-hex*-ii;
c6nyyC_ 3.00 translocase Chain: C: afg3-like protein 2;
c6i3mD_ 3.93 translation Chain: D: translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit delta;
c6q5jE_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: E: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6q5nC_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: C: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6q5sD_ 1.89 de novo protein Chain: D: apcc-tet;
c6q5nG_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: G: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6m7lA_ 2.65 biosynthetic protein Chain: A: putative cytochrome p450 hydroxylase;
c6q5jB_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6q5hA_ 1.20 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24d;
c6io1B_ 1.80 transferase Chain: B: aminotransferase, class iii;
c6q5jC_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: C: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6q5rH_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: H: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5jD_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: D: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6q5nB_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6g9fA_ 2.35 hydrolase/antibiotic Chain: A: peptidoglycan d,d-transpeptidase mrda;
c6q5nH_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: H: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6q5nD_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: D: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6q5nF_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: F: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6i7tI_ 4.61 translation Chain: I: translation initiation factor eif-2b subunit gamma;
c6q5rD_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: D: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6nqiB_ 2.75 splicing Chain: B: pre-mrna splicing factor prp8;
c6q5pA_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-ii;
c6q5mA_ 1.50 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24dab;
c6q5rA_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5kB_ 1.65 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24k;
c5yvqB_ 2.10 viral protein Chain: B: tail fiber assembly protein u;
c6qhgB_ 1.48 viral protein Chain: B: polymerase;
c6q5lA_ 1.41 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24h;
c6q5rJ_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: J: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6m7lB_ 2.65 biosynthetic protein Chain: B: putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase;
c6q5pD_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: D: cc-hex*-ii;
c6q5mB_ 1.50 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24dab;
c6q5jF_ 1.69 de novo protein Chain: F: cc-hex*-l24e;
c5yvqA_ 2.10 viral protein Chain: A: tail fiber protein s;
c6q5kA_ 1.65 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex*-l24k;
c6q5sC_ 1.89 de novo protein Chain: C: apcc-tet;
c6o59B_ 2.79 transport protein Chain: B: germination protein;
c5zwuA_ 1.58 recombination Chain: A: dna replication and repair protein recf;
c6q5rC_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: C: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6h1dA_ 1.94 gene regulation Chain: A: hemk methyltransferase family member 2;
c6iwyA_ 2.60 structural protein Chain: A: flagellar hook-associated protein 2;
c6q5nE_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: E: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c5zx1A_ 2.31 transcription Chain: A: ent;
c6q5iB_ 1.76 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24e;
c6o59A_ 2.79 transport protein Chain: A: germination protein;
c6gseA_ UNK protein binding Chain: A: activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein;
c6q5rL_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: L: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5sA_ 1.89 de novo protein Chain: A: apcc-tet;
c6q5qA_ 1.08 de novo protein Chain: A: cc-hex-kgeb;
c6q5nL_ 2.00 de novo protein Chain: L: cc-hex*-l24nle;
c6nvqB_ 2.10 hydrolase Chain: B: small vasohibin-binding protein;
c6q5pB_ 1.44 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-ii;
c6q5hB_ 1.20 de novo protein Chain: B: cc-hex*-l24d;
c6q5rK_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: K: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6q5rE_ 1.61 de novo protein Chain: E: cc-hex*-ll-kgeb;
c6n9aB_ 2.50 biosynthetic protein Chain: B: trna threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein tsab;
c6fxwA_ 1.57 isomerase Chain: A: putative ribose 5-phosphate isomerase;
c5zvqA_ 2.50 recombination Chain: A: recombination protein recr;

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Please cite: The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis
Kelley LA et al. Nature Protocols 10, 845-858 (2015) [paper] [Citation link]
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Michael Sternberg 
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