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 Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine V 2.0


New fold library entries added 2018 Sep 29

Fold library idPDB HeaderMoleculeTitle
c6h4mA_ 2.73 transferase Chain: A: probable ss-1,3-n-acetylglucosaminyltransferase;
c5yu2D_ 1.75 gene regulation Chain: D: translation initiation inhibitor homologue;
c6dy1A_ 3.00 hydrolase Chain: A: n-acylethanolamine acid amidase alpha-subunit;
c6dxsB_ 1.65 lyase/lyase inhibitor Chain: B: 4-oxalomesaconate hydratase;
c6gqfC_ 2.90 lipid transport Chain: C: gram domain-containing protein 1a;
c6mfuD_ 1.60 hydrolase Chain: D: guanylate kinase;
c6djuA_ 3.80 chaperone Chain: A: chaperone protein clpb;
c6djvE_ 3.90 chaperone Chain: E: chaperone protein clpb;
c6dy3G_ 2.70 hydrolase Chain: G: n-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase alpha-subunit;
c5ykrB_ 1.44 transferase Chain: B: probable aminotransferase;
c6dy2B_ 2.71 hydrolase Chain: B: n-acylethanolamine acid amidase beta-subunit;
c6cg8A_ 2.30 dna binding protein/dna Chain: A: upf0335 protein b7z12_12435;
c6gkrC_ 2.19 transferase Chain: C: branched-chain-amino-acid aminotransferase;
c6bamA_ UNK toxin Chain: A: defensin-1;
c6a3fB_ 1.80 oxidoreductase Chain: B: putative dehydrogenase;
c6djvN_ 3.90 chaperone Chain: N: casein polyalanine model;
c6feyG_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: G: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c5zmmD_ 3.15 dna binding protein Chain: D: uncharacterized protein mcra;
c6gn0F_ 3.24 toxin Chain: F: exoenzyme s;
c6h7wV_ 11.40 protein transport Chain: V: putative vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein;
c6h7wO_ 11.40 protein transport Chain: O: putative vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein;
c6mggD_ 1.78 ligase Chain: D: succinate--coa ligase [adp-forming] subunit beta;
c6djuN_ 3.80 chaperone Chain: N: casein polyalanine model;
c6e28D_ 1.36 signaling protein Chain: D: caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9;
c6h7wH_ 11.40 protein transport Chain: H: putative vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein;
c6dxwC_ 2.30 hydrolase Chain: C: n-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase;
c5zyqA_ 2.53 transcription Chain: A: rna polymerase-associated protein ctr9 homolog,rna
c6erkB_ 1.60 transferase Chain: B: aminotransferase;
c6feyH_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: H: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c6fk3B_ 2.30 oxidoreductase Chain: B: aldehyde dehydrogenase;
c5zx8A_ 1.00 hydrolase Chain: A: peptidyl-trna hydrolase;
c6b9pA_ 2.00 hydrolase Chain: A: alpha-mannosidase from canavalia ensiformis (jack bean);
c6erdD_ 2.00 transferase Chain: D: aminoglycoside n6'-acetyltransferase;
c6bb6A_ UNK toxin Chain: A: defensin-1;
c6h5nA_ 3.23 cell invasion Chain: A: gametocyte surface protein p45/48;
c5ypuB_ 2.00 peptide binding protein Chain: B: cordon-bleu wh2 motif;
c5zet8_ 3.20 ribosome Chain: 8: uncharacterized protein bl37;
c6fqaD_ 2.85 cell adhesion Chain: D: csua/b,csua/b;
c6feyE_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: E: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c5zeuu_ 3.70 ribosome Chain: U:
c6mg6D_ 2.10 hydrolase Chain: D: carbon-nitrogen hydrolase;
c5ygqB_ 2.40 oxidoreductase Chain: B: ferredoxin--nadp reductase;
c6aigA_ 2.00 replication Chain: A: dna polymerase sliding clamp 1;
c6bi5A_ UNK toxin Chain: A: defensin-1;
c6feyC_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: C: neural/ectodermal development factor imp-l2;
c5zypA_ 2.53 transcription Chain: A: rna polymerase-associated protein ctr9,rna polymerase ii-
c5ypuD_ 2.00 peptide binding protein Chain: D: cordon-bleu wh2 motif;
c6djlE_ 3.10 signaling protein/protein transport Chain: E: sh3 domain-binding protein 5;
c6h7wR_ 11.40 protein transport Chain: R: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 35;
c6dy2C_ 2.71 hydrolase Chain: C: n-acylethanolamine acid amidase alpha-subunit;
c6cr1H_ 1.52 immune system Chain: H: heavy chain of adalimumab efab (vh-ige ch2);
c6dy3B_ 2.70 hydrolase Chain: B: n-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase beta-subunit;
c6h9iB_ 2.29 rna binding protein Chain: B: csf5;
c6e8rD_ 2.27 protein transport Chain: D: ince;
c5zeyC_ 12.50 ribosome Chain: C: ssra-binding protein;
c6epbA_ 1.75 hydrolase Chain: A: endochitinase 42;
c6feyF_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: F: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c6cr1L_ 1.52 immune system Chain: L: light chain of adalimumab efab (vl-ige ch2);
c5zwlG_ 1.98 hydrolase Chain: G: atp synthase gamma chain;
c6feyI_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: I: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c6e8rC_ 2.27 protein transport Chain: C: ince;
c6h7wC_ 11.40 protein transport Chain: C: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26-like
c6feyK_ 3.48 peptide binding protein Chain: K: probable insulin-like peptide 5;
c5zet2_ 3.20 ribosome Chain: 2: 50s ribosomal protein l31;
c5z8qA_ UNK chaperone Chain: A: heat shock protein ssa1;

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Please cite: The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis
Kelley LA et al. Nature Protocols 10, 845-858 (2015) [paper] [Citation link]
© Structural Bioinformatics Group, Imperial College, London
Michael Sternberg 
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