This WWW page complements the paper:

Recognition of analogous and homologous protein folds:

Analysis of sequence and structure conservation.

Robert B. Russell, Mansoor A. S. Saqi, Roger A. Sayle,
Paul A. Bates & Michael J. E. Sternberg

J. Mol. Biol. 269, 423-439, 1997.

(Click on the image for an explanation of what it is showing.)

Click here to read the abstract, and contact addresses.

This is a preliminary version of these pages. The main purpose is to provide the data used during the analysis in the above paper. For details, please see the journal. Feel free to contact us by e-mail if you have specific questions or problems.


These are simply flat files corresponding to those that are given in the text of the paper plus a few others.

Subsitution matrices

Remote homologues
Combined (Analogues + Remote homologues)

Secondary structure confusion matrices

Remote homologues
Combined (Analogues + Remote homologues)

Accessibility confusion matrices

Remote homologues
Combined (Analogues + Remote homologues)

The alignments used:

gzipped-tar file of all 335 alignments (builds four directories)

HTML pages for each of the four divisions (contains text, postscript alignments and superimpositions).

Remote homologues
Medium homologues
Close homologues