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 Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine V 2.0


New fold library entries added 2022 Oct 01

Fold library idPDB HeaderMoleculeTitle
c7xn7W_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c8cwmZ_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xtdC_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7pl5B_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7zufH_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c8cxmJ_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7pi1C_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xszF_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xseC_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xtdA_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xseA_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7xseF_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7zufU_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7zufV_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7qe4A_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7ztsA_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7r5jH_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7fixF_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7zskD_ 6.80 biosynthetic protein Chain: D: putative polyketide synthase;
c7fixX_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7fixX_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7fixM_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7fixX_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7owhA_ 1.85 transferase Chain: A: adenylate kinase;
c8d08A_ 3.30 de novo protein Chain: A: halc4_135;
c7ezxB_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7ttsA_ 2.90 chaperone Chain: A: caseinolytic peptidase b protein homolog;
c8d06L_ 3.40 de novo protein Chain: L: halc3_104;
c7qatA_ 2.40 ligase Chain: A: cyclodipeptide synthase;
c7xzfB_ 1.30 lyase Chain: B: fucoidan lyase;
c8at2C_ 7.70 cell cycle Chain: C: haus augmin-like complex subunit 3;
c8db0C_ 2.26 transferase Chain: C: dimethylallyltryptophan synthase 1;
c7sckA_ 2.80 transferase Chain: A: exostosin-1;
c7r3wC_ 3.60 dna binding protein Chain: C: putative bacterial regulatory helix-turn-helix protein;
c7ezxV_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7schB_ 3.10 transferase Chain: B: exostosin-2;
c7wjnB_ 3.30 transferase Chain: B: chitin synthase;
c8cykA_ 1.65 de novo protein Chain: A: halc1_878;
c8at3E_ 33.00 cell cycle Chain: E: haus augmin like complex subunit 2 l homeolog;
c7mdcA_ 2.70 hydrolase/hydrolase inhibitor Chain: A: beta-lactamase;
c7sflB_ 3.87 membrane protein Chain: B: solute carrier family 12 member 2;
c7zu0B_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: B: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 16;
c7ezxA_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7ttrD_ 2.96 chaperone Chain: D: caseinolytic peptidase b protein homolog;
c7qu8A_ 3.37 immune system Chain: A: adhesion g protein-coupled receptor g3;
c7ezxM_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7z0sB_ 2.60 membrane protein Chain: B: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 2;
c7uqxA_ 3.30 transferase Chain: A: exostosin-1;
c7yr5B_ 3.63 membrane protein Chain: B: embigin;
c7zelA_ 2.80 hydrolase Chain: A: schlafen family member 11;
c7z0tE_ 3.40 membrane protein Chain: E: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 5;
c7uwsR_ 3.47 viral protein/rna Chain: R: matrix protein;
c7n3yB_ 2.73 hydrolase/dna Chain: B: dna-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease 2;
c8d04D_ 2.11 de novo protein Chain: D: halc2_062;
c7ubnQ_ 3.36 gene regulation, transferase/dna/rna Chain: Q: antitermination protein;
c7pq9B_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c8d07D_ 2.09 de novo protein Chain: D: halc3_109;
c7uxeI_ 3.38 dna binding protein Chain: I: small terminase;
c7zu0D_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: D: vps33 isoform 1;
c8dv0A_ 1.40 transferase Chain: A: dephospho-coa kinase;
c8at3C_ 33.00 cell cycle Chain: C: haus augmin like complex subunit 4 l homeolog;
c7ezxW_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7ufgC_ 3.28 hydrolase/hormone Chain: C: insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5;
c7ttsD_ 2.90 chaperone Chain: D: caseinolytic peptidase b protein homolog;
c7vimA_ 2.20 dna binding protein Chain: A: protein esrb;
c7vh9A_ UNK splicing Chain: A: splicing factor 3a subunit 1,splicing factor 1;
c8d8oB_ 3.35 hydrolase Chain: B: pappalysin-1;
c7xtnB_ 1.15 sugar binding protein Chain: B: alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-n-
c7z0sD_ 2.60 membrane protein Chain: D: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 4;
c7zu0E_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: E: vacuolar morphogenesis protein 6;
c8d09A_ 1.90 de novo protein Chain: A: halc4_136;
c8at4G_ 33.00 cell cycle Chain: G: haus augmin like complex subunit 7 s homeolog;
c8cwpA_ 1.80 hydrolase Chain: A: glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase;
c7zc6G_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: G: rnfg;
c7nxxB_ 2.19 metal binding protein Chain: B: nanobody 2;
c8d8oA_ 3.35 hydrolase Chain: A: pappalysin-1;
c7zu0A_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: A: e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase pep5;
c7tvwA_ 1.48 hydrolase Chain: A: alpha/beta-hydrolases superfamily protein;
c7zc6A_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: A: rnfa;
c8dhbJ_ 3.53 signaling protein Chain: J: folliculin;
c8at2E_ 7.70 cell cycle Chain: E: haus augmin-like complex subunit 5;
c7ezxO_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7f06A_ 1.95 hydrolase Chain: A: adenine phosphopsicosyltransferase;
c7z0sF_ 2.60 membrane protein Chain: F: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6;
c7ux8B_ 1.40 transferase Chain: B: mfng;
c7zc6C_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: C: rnfc;
c7xvgA_ 3.60 plant protein Chain: A: cnl9;
c7z0tC_ 3.40 membrane protein Chain: C: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3;
c8d05A_ 2.51 de novo protein Chain: A: halc2_065;
c7xe0B_ 3.33 plant protein Chain: B: avirulence factor;
c7ezxD_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c8b1nB_ 2.00 transferase Chain: B: trna (guanine-n(1)-)-methyltransferase;
c7pqwA_ UNK antimicrobial protein Chain: A: bcr4;
c8at2B_ 7.70 cell cycle Chain: B: haus augmin-like complex subunit 1;
c7zc6D_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: D: rnfd;
c7zu0F_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: F: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 41;
c7ufgB_ 3.28 hydrolase/hormone Chain: B: pappalysin-1;
c7zu0C_ 4.40 cytosolic protein Chain: C: vacuolar membrane protein pep3;
c7z05A_ 2.33 transferase Chain: A: non-structural protein 1;
c7zc6E_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: E: rnfe;
c7y7rB_ 2.10 rna binding protein Chain: B: rna-dependent rna polymerase;
c7z0tG_ 3.40 membrane protein Chain: G: formate hydrogenlyase subunit 7;
c7ojuA_ 1.10 transferase Chain: A: n-acetyltransferase-like protein;
c7ufgD_ 3.28 hydrolase/hormone Chain: D: insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5;
c7ufgA_ 3.28 hydrolase/hormone Chain: A: pappalysin-1;
c8d03A_ 1.75 de novo protein Chain: A: halc2_068;
c8at3F_ 33.00 cell cycle Chain: F: haus augmin like complex subunit 6 l homeolog;
c7zc6B_ 4.27 flavoprotein Chain: B: rnfb;
c7pq9K_ UNK Blank PDB header PDB COMPND:
c7pudA_ 1.25 plant protein Chain: A: bryoporin;
c8at3H_ 33.00 cell cycle Chain: H: haus augmin-like complex subunit 8;

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Please cite: The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis
Kelley LA et al. Nature Protocols 10, 845-858 (2015) [paper] [Citation link]
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Michael Sternberg 
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