UIC, Imperial College London.
and Bioinformatics at Rothamsted
Research (Ondex)
Stephen Muggleton's
Lab at the Department
of Computing, Imperial College London.
PhD., The University of Nottingham. (2009) THESIS TITLE -
Protein structural similarity, classification and
MSc., Bioinformatics (2005) Universidade
de Lisboa, Portugal. DISSERTATION - Gene Function Prediction
by Mining Biomedical Literature.
MSc., Industrial
Microbiology (2000). Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore,
India. DISSERTATION - Microbial Production of Biodegradable
BSc., Microbiology (1998). Devi Ahilya
Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India.
1. Inernational EST Marie-Curie Fellowship
under the FP 6 EU Project (February 2006 to January 2009). 2.
Research Studentship
at INESC-ID from National Research Council of Portugal, FCT. 3.
Master Scholarship (January 2003 to September 2004) from
Fundacao Oriente, Portugal.
10. Fernandes P., P. Jain and C. Moita.
Experimental Biologists in Bioinformatics. Advances in
Bioinformatics, Volume 2012, Article ID 672749 (2012).
9. Lin D., J. Chen, H. Watanabe, S.
H. Muggleton, P. Jain, M. J. E. Sternberg,
C. Baxter, R. Currie, S. Dunbar, M. Earll,
and D. Salazar. Does
multi-clause learning help in real-world applications?
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on
Inductive Logic Programming, LNAI 7207, 221-237, (2012).
8. Jain P. and J. D. Hirst.
structure classification of small proteins using random forest.
BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 364 (2010).
7. Jain P. and
J. D. Hirst. A
geometric approach to protein structural similarity and
classification, Jornadas de Bioinformatica (2009).
6. Jain P. and J. D. Hirst.
Exploring protein structural dissimilarity to facilitate
structure classification, BMC Structural Biology,
9:60 (2009).
5. Jain P., J. M. Garibaldi
and J. D. Hirst, Supervised
Machine Learning Algorithm for Protein Structure
Classification, Computational. Biology and Chemistry,
33, 216-223 (2009).
4. Jain P. and J. D. Hirst,
of Protein Structural Descriptors: Towards Similarity and
Classification. In Proceedings of the NIC Workshop From
Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology, 36,
165-167, (2007).
3. Teixeira M. C., P. Monteiro, P.
Jain, S. Tenreiro, A. R. Fernandes, N. P. Mira, M.
Alenquer, A. T. Freitas, A. L. Oliveira
and I. S-Correia The YEASTRACT database: a tool for the
analysis of transcription regulatory associations in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nucleic Acids Research,
34, D446-D451, (2006).
2. Jain P., F. Couto, M. J.
Silva, J. D. Becker, Literature
based functional annotation of genes. In Proceedings of
Bioinformatics: Knowledge Discovery in Biology, 29-33,
Lisboa, (2005).
1. Monteiro P., M.C. Teixeira, P.
Jain, S. Tenreiro, A.R. Fernandes, N. Mira, M.
Alenquer, A.T. Freitas, A.L. Oliveira and I. S-Correia
a database of transcription regulatory associations in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In Proceedings of Bioinformatics:
Knowledge Discovery in Biology, 34-38, Lisboa, (2005). |