Domain Assignment of 1gsgP

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General Information

PDB Code: 1gsg
Chain ID: P
Protein Name: Glutaminyl Trna Synthetase 
Number of residues:  526
X-ray Resolution:    2.8 angstroms 
X-ray R factor:      .28
Percentage of Alpha: NOT AVAILABEL (C-alpha coordinates only)
Percentage of Beta:  NOT AVAILABEL (C-alpha coordinates only)
Surface Area:        NOT AVAILABEL (C-alpha coordinates only)
Ellipticity:         3.1

Domain Assignment

Author's Assignement

Number of Domains: 5
Domain 1
  Number of fragments: 2
  Fragment 1
    Start From residue No: 8 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    100 (PDB file residue ID)
  Fragment 2
    Start From residue No: 211 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    260 (PDB file residue ID)
  Percentage of Alpha:  NOT AVAILABLE
  Percentage of Beta:   NOT AVAILABLE
  Type of fold:         Alpha/Beta
  Number of Residues:   143
  Surface Area:         NOT AVAILABLE
  Loss of surface Area: NOT AVAILABLE
  Ellipticity:          1.6
Domain 2
  Number of fragments: 1
    Start from Residue No: 101 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop  at Residue No:   210 (PDB file residue ID)
  Percentage of Alpha:  NOT AVAILABLE
  Percentage of Beta:   NOT AVAILABLE
  Type of fold:         Alpha+Beta
  Number of Residues:   110
  Surface Area:         NOT AVAILABLE
  Loss of surface Area: NOT AVAILABLE
  Ellipticity:          1.8
Domain 3
  Number of fragments: 1
    Start from Residue No: 260 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop  at Residue No:   339 (PDB file residue ID)
  Percentage of Alpha:  NOT AVAILABLE
  Percentage of Beta:   NOT AVAILABLE
  Type of fold:         Alpha/Beta
  Number of Residues:   80
  Surface Area:         NOT AVAILABLE
  Loss of surface Area: NOT AVAILABLE
  Ellipticity:          2.5
Domain 4
  Number of fragments: 2
  Fragment 1
    Start From residue No: 340 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    348 (PDB file residue ID)
  Fragment 2
    Start From residue No: 465 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    547 (PDB file residue ID)
  Percentage of Alpha:  NOT AVAILABLE
  Percentage of Beta:   NOT AVAILABLE
  Type of fold:         Beta/Beta
  Number of Residues:   92
  Surface Area:         NOT AVAILABLE
  Loss of surface Area: NOT AVAILABLE
  Ellipticity:          2.5
Domain 5
  Number of fragments: 1
    Start from Residue No: 349 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop  at Residue No:   464 (PDB file residue ID)
  Percentage of Alpha:  NOT AVAILABLE
  Percentage of Beta:   NOT AVAILABLE
  Type of fold:         Beta/Beta
  Number of Residues:   102
  Surface Area:         NOT AVAILABLE
  Loss of surface Area: NOT AVAILABLE
  Ellipticity:          2.0

Assignment from Islam's program

Domain 1
  Number of fragment: 2
  Fragment 1
    Start from residue No: 8 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    259 (PDB file residue ID)
  Fragment 2
    Start from residue No: 301 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    334 (PDB file residue ID)
Domain 2
  Number of fragment: 2
  Fragment 1
    Start from residue No: 260 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    300 (PDB file residue ID)
  Fragment 2
    Start from residue No: 335 (PDB file residue ID)
    Stop at residue No:    547 (PDB file residue ID)

[One domain] [Two domains] [Three domains] [Four domains] [Five domains]

Copyright © March 1996