Version 1.20

A wizard for protein display and image production


You can browse for a PDB file
Or open an EZM file you previously saved in EzMol
Or enter a 4-letter PDB ID code

If you experience problems, or have suggestions, please give feedback at

Size of molecule is limited to 5MB

PDB files can be found at the RCSB Protein Data Bank and the PDBe.

EzMol interface © Structural Bioinformatics Group, Imperial College London 2018.

Please cite: Reynolds CR, Islam SA, Sternberg MJE (2018). “EzMol: A web server wizard for the rapid visualisation and image production of protein and nucleic acid structures.” J Mol Biol [Online paper] [Import into BibTeX]

EzMol is a software wizard on top of 3Dmol.js incorporating jQuery UI and Spectrum‑Master. EzMol is funded by Imperial College London and the BBSRC.