-This SVM was trained using LIBSVM-3.12, with the -b 1 option used to enable probability outputs. -Features should be scaled before use using svm-scale (provided by LIBSVM-3.12) and the scaling parameters available at the SuSPect website. -Prediction should be carried out using svm-predict -b 1 -Output will be a score from 0-1, which should be multiplied by 100 to give the SuSPect score. The following features are included in SuSPect-FS: 4 - PPI degree from STRING 24 - Number of annotations for that position in the UniProt FT table 36 - PSSM score of wild-type 37 - PSSM score of variant 38 - Feature 36-Feature 37 42 - (Pfam HMM emission score for the wild-type amino acid) - (Pfam HMM emission score for the variant amino acid) 43 - Jensen-Shannon divergence 45 - Percentage sequence identity with the closest homologue to have the variant amino acid at that position 80 - Predicted relative solvent accessibility from NetSurfP